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Garlic (Allium sativum) or garlic is a perennial bulb vegetable of the allium family, genus Onion. This species occurs in the wild and it is believed that is the result of cultural selection and probably comes from the kind Allium longicuspis, which grows wild in Southeast Asia.
The most frequently consumed part of the plant is underground storage structure called a head. A garlic head consists of a dozen or more separate cloves, each botanical point of view is bulb - an underground structure formed by thickened leaf bases. Each clove is formed from a single leaf base unlike onions, whose bulb consists of numerous leafy layers. Aerial parts of the plant is sometimes used for food, especially when they are young and tender.
Raw garlic has a strong spicy smell, which softens considerably when cooked. Raw or cooked garlic is noticeable for its strong characteristic odor. Breath of people ate garlic, also gets a characteristic odor. Some cultures take the smell of garlic more than others. Northern kitchens, for example, use garlic very moderate and he was preparing for a long time to reduce the smell.
Due to the widespread cultivation of garlic origin is uncertain certain. It is related to onions and lilies and grown as shallots. Cultural garlic bloom and bear seed, but cultivar is reproduced almost entirely through bulbs. The bulbs, which segments are commonly called "cloves", are the most commonly consumed part of the plant, although it is used and the purpose of spring blades.
A head of garlic is usually 4 to 8 cm in diameter, white to pink or red and is composed of many (8-25) individual cloves. Foliage consists of a central stem, 25-100 cm high with a flat or angular (but not tubular) sheets 30-60 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. The flowers grow in small cluster at the end of the stem, often with several bulbs and surrounded by hartieobrazen main sheet. Each color is white, pink or red, with six petals, 3-5 mm long. The colors are generally fruitless and rarely give seeds.
Garlic has long narrow flat somewhat keeled leaves. The bulb has a scaly exterior mostly white outer layers like onions. Inside is 2-20 cloves or smaller bulbs. Thereof may be prepared by transplanting new bulbs at the end of winter or early spring.
The percentage composition of the bulbs is given by E. Holly as 84.09% water, 13.38% organic matter, 1.53% of inorganic matter, and the leaves - 84.14% water, 11.27% organic matter and 1, 59% inorganic matter.
Like other members of the family, garlic actually creates substances that give it a sharp taste and smell when its cells are injured. When a cell of the plant was destroyed by cutting, chewing or crushed, enzymes contained in their vacuoles caused the collapse of several sulfur-containing substances contained in the cell fluids. The resulting compounds cause fierce taste and strong smell of garlic. Some of them are unstable and continue to change with time. Between representatives of the onion family, garlic has a much higher concentration of compounds for the initial reaction than others, which makes it much stronger than onions, shallots or leeks. Although people love the taste of garlic, these substances are believed to have evolved as a defense mechanism, repelling animals such as birds, insects and worms.
The taste and smell of garlic are due to a large number of sulfur compounds. It is believed that the diallyl disulfide is important for the odor component. Allicin does is considered the main reason for the spiciness of raw garlic. He opens termoPRP (transient receptor potential) channels that are responsible for the sensation of hotness. Cooking allicin breaks down and spiciness of garlic weakens.
Garlic is rich in vitamin B6 (which helps regulate hormones in the body), vitamin B1 and vitamin C, and selenium (a rare and extremely needed nutrient for the human body)
Used in cooking because of its strong flavor, which enhances flavor-taste of many other products. Often, combined with onions and tomatoes. Excessive use leads to sweating. A well-known state "garlic breath" can be countered by eating fresh parsley, often in dishes with garlic and parsley present.
In Russia and the Caucasus countries and the young green garlic is often preserved as pickles and eaten as an appetizer or starter. In Bulgaria also made pickled garlic, but the main ingredient is heads and parts of the leaves only in some cases as a supplement.
According to the old beliefs garlic has the ability to repel vampires and evil creatures.
Bulb of garlic has sided action. Anthelmintic and bactericidal action and is used for infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal canal. Essential oil destroys pathogenic and support the development of normal intestinal flora. Also lowers blood pressure in hypertension, expands coronary and peripheral vessels, increases the amplitude of heart contractions and slows the heart rate. Good prophylactic agent is also in atherosclerosis. Lowers blood sugar and is therefore recommended for eating in diabetes.
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