Dance leaves no clearly identifiable physical artifacts that can be maintained for millennia, such as stone tools, hunting implements or cave paintings. Therefore it is not possible to say exactly when dance became part of human culture.
It is assumed that dance along with the rhythm of music and painting the body in the early stage of human evolution serves as a powerful tool for creating cross and change the minds of people. In this state, people lose their individual characteristics, identity and acquire collective identity. Modern military units use strong and loud, loud singing and dancing, to prepare for dangerous military missions.
The dance is certainly an important part of ceremonies, rituals, festivities, celebrations and entertainment, even before the birth of the first human civilizations. Archaeological findings provide evidence for this claim since prehistoric times - such as the 9000 annual rock paintings at Bhimbetka housing in India or in ancient Egyptian tombs paintings depicting dancing figures from around 3300 BC
One of the earliest structured uses of dances may have been in the implementation and the telling of myths. Are sometimes used to show feelings for the opposite sex, ie are connected with the origin of "making love". Before the existence of written languages, dance was one of the means of transmission of these stories down from generation to generation.
Another early use of dance as a likely precursor to trance healing, healing rituals. It is still used for this purpose by many cultures - from the Brazilian rainforest to the Kalahari Desert.
In European culture, one of the earliest records of dancing is by Homer, whose "Iliad" describes chorea (χορεία). Early Greeks turned the art of dancing in the system, expressed all the different passions. Greek philosopher Aristotle as puts dance alongside poetry and says some dancers with rhythm and gesture can express manners, passions and actions. The most prominent Greek sculptors studied the behavior and attitudes of the dancers in their art of imitating the passions.
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