At the beginning of the video you will see what you need to get a similar effect .......
Milk (Latin: Lac, lactis) is a biological nutrient liquid, which is formed in the mammary gland of mammals.
This is the only product that nature has created only to feed the young offspring. Lactiferous animals are divided into Class Mammals. They are the highest achievement of biological evolution on Earth. Through the activity of the epithelial cells of the mammary gland of the constituents of the blood to form a biological product called milk, which composition is significantly different from it. It contains substances which are not detected in the blood - lactose, casein, milk fat.
Organic milk is intended to support life and to ensure the development of newborns. It contains all the elements necessary for the growth and development of the respective species. For a certain period after birth it is the only food of the newborn.
Usually, human milk is called milk and animal milk - organic and processed milk (mainly for long-term storage) (cow, sheep, goat, buffalo, mare, camel or otherwise) - only milk.
Milk is a rich source of nutrients and vitamins. To the organic material therein fall proteins, fats, lactose, vitamins, enzymes, and to the inorganic - water, mineral salts and gases. The protein in the milk are complete and fully digestible Milk fat is characterized by a significant amount of low molecular weight fatty acids. In milk fat are considerable amount phosphatides, tocopherols and vitamins A and D. It is characterized by solubility, up to 98% due to the fact that the emulsified well in the gastrointestinal tract. For better absorption influences that is in the form of globules with sizes from 0.5 to 10 μm. Lactose promotes the suppression of putrefactive processes and the development of beneficial microflora in the intestine. In the milk contained, and salts of calcium and phosphorus. They help in the formation of bone tissue, restoring blood, lymph and operation of the brain. Located number of other chemical elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, iodine and the like. Especially valuable is included in it Vitamin B12.
Milk contains all the necessary for the development of the infant substances. Therefore mlekoobrazuvaneto has important adaptive significance for the newborn.
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