The most effective martial art?
Long debate or what is the most effective martial art for self-defense, and in this article I will try to do a detailed analysis.
Many martial arts are advertised as the best and deadly system, but most of them are totally divorced from reality and their effectiveness is only in the imagination of practitioners. Unfortunately, in the first collision with reality bubble most exercisers fast bursts. Why?
The problem of most martial arts is the lack of practice.
As in any other sphere to achieve a high level have a good mix of theory and practice, and in many martial arts the second part is much less well supported. There is no way a person can learn to do anything without calling in real situations or simulation as close to her. Therefore, the first criterion is whether an effective martial art is - Is there a real sparring in training?
With this criteria narrow the circle to contact martial arts - Boxing, Kick / Thai Boxing, Karate, Sambo, Judo, Ju-Jitsu and others.
Now the question is which of them is most effective?
To answer this question it is better to look at what martial arts are effective in the sports rules closest to the real fight - Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
In the modern MMA has long been proved that complex fighters are those who dominate. These are people trained several martial arts and prepared to fight standing, takedowns and ground fighting. This course is the best option - to train all distances and not to have weaknesses. But let us return to our question: What is the most effective martial art?
You will have to go back a little in the history of mixed martial arts when fighters were not complex, but they represent a particular style.
Let's look at the first editions of the strongest tournament in MMA - UFC. In tournaments almost no rules stood representatives of various martial arts and the best fighter was not the strongest and most athletic nor representatives of the known martial arts, and skinny little-known representative of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Royce Gracie.
A quick glance at other tournaments in the wake of MMA shows that dominate fighters who are good at paint land - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Sambo, Grappling. Why is that?
The answer is very simple - in the battle of styles defeated who can carry paint where is better.
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