China is the largest one-party communist state. Power was exercised by the Communist Party of China and the State Council. The Constitution guarantees the electoral rights of the Chinese citizens similar to the constitutional democratic guarantees which were established in the Eastern Bloc of the Warsaw Pact. At a higher level is the senior National Congress, of which in turn elect the members of the Communist Party. Reforms in the economy, however, have negative side, namely the division of the Chinese Communists of an older generation (ie. "Communist comrades") and newer ("Communists-citizens"). CCP argued totalitarian power with threats that without it inevitably will follow internal chaos. Party committees still play an important role in the economy and public life.
The main organs of the Party are the Politburo Standing Committee (9 members) Politburo, Secretariat, the Central Military Committee and the Central Committee of moral inspection. The latter has a specific function - to deal with the eradication of high-level corruption and abuse of public funds by political parties, but neither she nor other subject izvanpartien control, so that their effectiveness is unclear nature.
Chief political problem remains the violation of human rights. Multiple charges against the government over censorship and manipulation on the Internet in order to prevent the free opinion, persecution of citizens and public figures with opposition moods, violations of basic labor rights of workers in the construction of Olympic venues for hosting in 2008 and more.
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