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Extraterrestrial life is called life that may have originated beyond Earth. The related concept alien civilization is used for alleged forms of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The science that deals with the development opportunities of life on other planets is called Astrobiology. Currently there is no conclusive scientific evidence confirming the existence of such a life, and it was mentioned mainly in sci-fi literature or ufology, but statistically speaking, its existence is possible.
The alien life may exist not only in the form of great beings, as well as bacteria, other microorganisms, plants and the like. To consider the possibility of life on other planets, scientists examined the presence of certain chemical elements and fluids, especially water, because it knows that it is a favorable environment for the creation and development of life. It is believed that water exists or existed on planets or moons of the solar system such as Mars, Venus and Europe.
The idea of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was born long ago. Even in ancient India, Egypt, China, Babylon, Assyria and Sumer mentions belief in life beyond Earth, but it is difficult to distinguish them from the beliefs in deities. Only in ancient Greece these beliefs become more concrete form. Thales and Anaximander believed that an infinite universe there must be an infinite number of inhabited worlds, many other planets like Earth. The Talmud even mention the existence of 18,000 other worlds, though not explained their essence. Similar statements are found in Hinduism and Islam.
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer and mathematician, portrait of mid-16th century
With the advent of Christianity, the ideas of Aristotle and Ptolemy are widely accepted, but contrary to expectations, the Catholic Church never really takes a strong position in relation to extraterrestrial life. In 1277 the French Bishop Etienne Tampie and later Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa mention that it is possible God has created more than one inhabited world.
Dramatic reversal in the development of the idea of extraterrestrial life is placed with the invention of the telescope by Galileo Galilei and proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus heliocentric system. This can be considered the beginning of the scientific approach to this topic. Ideas of Giordano Bruno for infinite universe and the millions of stars with their own planetary systems, however, proved too advanced for the time and thorn in the side of the church. Because of his views, he was burned alive at the stake by the Inquisition. From the XVIII to early XX century science fiction popularity mining idea that Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings, so-called Martians. Tommaso Campanella wrote in his art solar alien race. Other supporters of the idea of cosmic pluralism (theory of the plurality of worlds) include William Herschel, Emmanuel Kant and Benjamin Franklin.
With advances in astronomy and space technology development idea of extraterrestrial life is continually updated. Give scientific direction of the search for extraterrestrial life. The first samples were sent to neighboring planets, and also studied meteorites fallen on the ground. Scientific hypothesis is that every developed society would try to communicate and send infromatsiya. Projects like SETI perform searches on radio waves. Although discussed options with the use of lasers and interstellar travel, so far the most effective method proved that radio transmissions.
American astrophysicist and founder of the American planetary company Carl Sagan was one of the first to actively promote with the help of TV shows and books capabilities and limitations in the search for intelligent beings in our galaxy and beyond. In his honor in March 2009 provides for the launch of the device "Kepler", which will explore the 100,000 stars simultaneously.
Have been found 942 planets like those in our solar system (34 multiplanetni systems), but this number varies continuously.
All life on earth is built on the basis of carbon, and water as solvent by which biochemical reactions take place. Essential elements are also hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and the like. It is assumed that all planets like Earth were formed from material ejected by stars. Therefore, it is very likely that other planets arise life based on carbon.
There are hypotheses that instead of carbon, an essential element of life can serve silicon. Such creatures will be able to exist at much higher temperatures, for example closer to the stars planets.
The relatively recent discovery of extremophiles - organisms that live in seemingly impossible conditions - enormous heat, cold or darkness and use substances according to our previous conceptions are incompatible with the concept of life change largely focus on a search for alien forms life. It turns out that water is not a prerequisite for the existence of life as newly discovered organisms use methane, ethane, ammonia or even more bizarre substances to sustain life.
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