Russian traditions in wedding day
In the Russian tradition the church marriage is not considered official, so couples exchange their vows of marriage ceremony. Her bride and groom received bread and salt, which is a symbol of health, prosperity and long life.
Marriage ceremony in the Russian traditions is considered very important for friends and relatives of the couple. The main elements for a great and true Russian wedding is a wedding reception and a two-day celebration with music, dancing, feasting and drinking.
After starting a relative or close friend of the couple toasting. Each guest throws his glass with champagne on the floor. It is considered good luck if the glasses break if dropped to the floor.
Russian Orthodox wedding is a kind of competition for newlyweds. During the church ceremony the couple are crowned royalty of the day, they have to stand on a special carpet that will exchange their vows, but before this race who will come first. It is believed that those who either reaches the carpet first will be the head of the family.
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