"Dancing is a little madness, which causes us much good." Ediuard Dembi
"Success is not the result of sudden ignition. Should ignite himself. "Fred Cerro
"The technical perfection is not enough. It is an orphan with no real soul of a dancer. "Sylvie Galiam
The dances are descended from the inexhaustible source of the folklore of peoples of the world and in accordance with the laws of society continue to evolve, reflecting the new social dimension of the increasingly open and global human society.
A brief history of social (lounge, whalebone) dance
Social dancing, which is usually dancing for fun and physical toning probably existed in some form since the dawn of human obshtestvo.V those times most group dances were ceremonial rituals, grouped around three main aspects of human existence: food supply sexual impulse and religion as an expression of his spirituality. When in the course of the centuries the dance ceases to be just a simple expression and imitator of being human in each of these essential aspects, it gradually becomes a tool for social interaction, without a specific task or objective, but already expressed aesthetic and spiritual stoynonosti, causing pleasure among contractors and nablyudatelite.Za unlike dance art, social dance is not created deliberately, but its development is far from spontaneous and random. Social dances reflect the spirit of an era and Structure respective society, technological development, customs and the dominant ideology. They not only reflect and support, but somewhat radical change and revolutionize the culture of an era. Various changes in social dances over the centuries clearly reflect their commitment to the world around them. In the 14th century, for example, when social and folk dances were virtually indistinguishable, popular dancing in a circle are taken from the English aristocracy in her home as a means of evening entertainment. With the introduction of hymns about 1368 obche appear ceremonial dances practiced in the royal courts of Europe. They rank determined the order of the participants in the procession.
During the Renaissance in the 16th century social dancing is practiced as a characteristic element of the life of high society, whose members systematically decorate and formalize existing folk dances to make them suitable for their label, morals and norms of behavior. Popular in the 17th century Minuet was not nothing but a series of gestures and manners, while national and industrial revolutions do not return again social dancing there, from where they originated - in masses. When gradually boundaries between grades and titles in society begin to diverge, in the halls and ballrooms become popular dances as Kotiliona and square, in which the partners are constantly changing. Waltz, whose temperament and speed fit great on the glossy parquet halls and enthusiasm of the young, causing moral conventions of society in this period with his closed grip and the contact between partners.
Advancing technologies and the two world wars cause dynamic changes in society in the 20th century, resulting in social dancing is also constantly changing. The syncopated rhythms of ragtime born Foxtrot and shimmy. In 1920, women received the right to vote and gradually emancipate fighting for their equality with men in society. Thus was born and gained huge popularity with his life and unbridled nature Charleston. Improvisation on Swing in the 30s and 40s led to the emergence of Dzhitarbuga. In 1949, appearing on records LPs, and in the 50s broke the boom of the postwar generation in music and dance -pokendrola. At that time, shocking past close contact between partners in Waltz is no longer relevant. In the new dance steps each perform individually, the man no longer leads and elegant woman dancing in couples already lost its previous character. The emergence of disco in the 70s, whose popularity has not abated to this day, this trend, although some disco dancing formally dancing with a partner. Turbulent and revolutionary changes in the world in the 80s and early 90s the popularity of dance born of a new generation of rebels-break, techno, rap and others. A return to the true nature of dancing in couples in which the man leads and the woman follows is associated with the new wave of popularity of Latin American dance music began in 1990 and lasted Lambada with Samba, Mambo and Salsa. In a world that boasts the speed of its development, the emergence of new music and dance forms is inevitable and no doubt social dancing will continue to evolve as the new 21st century will yield increasingly international character, thanks to the global information pooling of human society.
Dancing in pairs, dance form emerged in Europe in the 15th century a variety of energetic styles of interpretations of existing folklore of dance masters during this period. These new dances, happy and living in nature develop first as a social default of the former aristocracy in France and Italy, which gradually covers all European aristocratic courts, and in the following centuries and society of the emerging middle class.
Forms of social dancing in Europe develop in three phases, each of which features a different design of rhythm, spatial forms and pattern. The nature of these dances reflect the development of the underlying elements of the respective periods - complex and bulky forms of costumes, spacious ballroom and palace halls and elegance.
Each period is characterized by its most popular dance: the era of Gagliardi (1500-1650) - a bright, energetic and elegant dance, consisting almost entirely of discharges legs and jumps; the era of the minuet (1650-1750) - dance label, exclusively from formal, measured movements, small steps and gestures; Waltz era (1700-1900) - dance with sliding movements, rotation and up and down which introduces a new shade of intimacy in social dances and conquered Europe. In each period, of course, there were other, even opposing dance styles. Pavanelli and Sarabande were rivals Gagliardi; Contradance and researchers - minuets and polkas and mazurkas have enjoyed no less popularity of the waltz.
In the late 19th century, however, social dances begin to stagnate in their development, failing to adequately reflect social changes in society. In this temporary vacuum in America t. Pomegranate. A new world where the pace of development are the most dynamic and where are mixed immigrants, representatives of nations, races and nationalities around the world, was born perhaps most significant for the development of music and dance culture of the 20th century phenomenon, "ragtime." Shortly before his arrival in 1891 appears first t. Pomegranate. Dance "Two Steps", followed in 1893 by Keykuoka. Famous American vaudeville stars of that time Vernon and Irene Castle conquer America and Europe from 1910 to 1920 with demonstrations on Tango, plant Keykuok and Foxtrot. Based on the rich variety of syncopated rhythms of Ragtaima and originated from it Jazz and Swing in the 20s emerge as dancing Shimmy, Charleston, Dzhitarbag Linda Hall and others. 30s witnessed the promotion of Latin American rhythms with dances such as Rumba, Samba and conga, and after World War II and Merengue and Cha-cha-cha. Mid 50s was a time of dramatic changes in popular muzika- appears rock and roll. Early 60s comes with Bossa Nova and disco, inspired many new dances that are performed solo as Shake and Twist. Disco dancing in the 70s return somewhat dancing in pairs, but in a different character. In the 80s and became popular break Rap using acrobatic, pantonimichni and elements of martial arts. 90-ies regaining popularity of Latin American rhythms with dance as Lambada, Samba, Mambo and Salsa.
The role of composers and performers of popular dance music, the development of social dancing is huge. First, have a huge impact vaudeville, musical comedies, movies and movie stars like Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelly, Carmen Miranda, Rudolph Valentino and many others. Then comes the time and the dance music heard on the radio, records and tapes, and finally the invasion of CDs and videos. Thus social dances acquire international character and reflect demokratiziranato dance more fully than any other contemporary dance forms.
Occurrence of theatrical dance in chronological order
As Waltz was the first dance using close contact between partners, which at that time was considered to be immoral behavior the church prohibits its implementation in a number of public halls in Europe. Of course Waltz withstand this pressure, but was separated in two different styles: a slow and calm Waltz performed in French and English halls and stormy Viennese Waltz taken by "hard-headed" Germans who refuse to obey the church ban. The first style is practiced with the knowledge that the gentleman is waiting to start the music before you put your hand on the waist of the woman also must have a glove. The dance is performed primarily for demonstration of elegance, not for pleasure. On the other hand Viennese Waltz creates name immoral dance because dance mainly of young people who are not afraid of the Church and love its flexibility and freedom, as expressed in its high tempo, sliding and rotating movements progressing around the entire room.
Tango began its development as two different dance. The first comes from Spain. He is demonstrative dance performed by soloist and much like the Gypsy Iberian dance. The other was born in Argentina under the name "Dance with pause" and performed as sarcastic dance the attitude of man to woman. Initially, he danced like a dance to conquer women with half-Indian origin from the ports of guachosite sailors and Italian immigrants. He expressed the strong, dominant feeling of the working man, that was a long time away from home, over the woman. As such, he danced only in the lower pubs of Buenos Aires and has been taboo for the high society of the city. Gradually, however, the dance became popular among the famous dancers, who stylized and make it more acceptable, and with the emergence of a new type of orchestral music, which is performed on the dance - habanera, he has gained great popularity and began to dance everywhere. The first adaptation of Tango is made of Vernon and Irene Castle. Although not radically change the style and nature, they bring distinctive today "Tango grip" of partners and beat with a dramatic pause (slow, slow, quick, quick, slow). Widest popularity, however yield new French version, used by Valentino. He returned to the emotion in tango, the steps are exotic and express basic emotions of guachosite from Argentina. So Valentino recovering dense near partners and characteristic of the man willing to obey the will of the woman, and the woman - an unwillingness to obey.
Foxtrot is known as the first all-American dance salon, whose name was inherited from the name of its creator Harry Fox. It is just one of a series created at that time dancing with grips grotesque and exaggerated body movements and hands, imitating the movement of different animals bearing the respective names like; Turk Trott (turkey stroke), Grizzly Bear, Kangra hop, Bunny Hugh and Harlem glide. Dance teachers use their popularity and modify them so that they become acceptable for performance and dance halls. As a result, was born one of the most standard and popular dance - smooth and sliding Slow Foxtrot. The original Foxtrot is described by the English dance teacher Victor Silvester as "slow steps 4 (2 beats), then 7 fast running footsteps, picking the right foot behind left 8 beats." Since rapid steps tired fast dancing, dance is modified and adapted several times, finally forming four different styles. The first, most standardized and known at the time, was created by Vernon and Irene Castle. It contains four steps, each with the duration of a stroke, the most popular is called. Boxing step (step, touch off, harvesting and again). The second version, known as the dance walk is slower than the first, consisting of two slow steps in a single cycle of music. The third form, and the fourth is standardized by Arthur Marsey is called Magic step, as it presents breaking the rhythm using two slow and two quick steps to 1.5 bars. Fourthly style known as Uestchestarski contains a slow and two fast steps for one cycle and takes two beats for the implementation of boxing step.
In the 30s a whole new rhythm and dance of Cuba became especially popular - t. Pomegranate. Rumba. True Rumba is -Kubinski African origin and exotic dance with strong and flexible movements of the hips, shoulders and housing. This form of Rumba course not perceived by the social elite of the United States, where the dance penetrates the 30s and 40s. Therefore teachers dancing modify it in t. Pomegranate. "Son," which is -bavna and delicate version of Rumba without the wild freedom of movement in it, and is executed by the romantic and sentimental music. Delicate, continuous and rotational movement in the original Rumba contains three main characteristics that distinguish it from ostanalitetantsi:
1 - the shares are in the feet and knees,
2 - There detention in transferring the burden
3 - upper body is upright and relaxed, fully focused partner.
All this contributes to a dance form without progression to ravished partner in exotic and rhythmic seduction and flirting, creating interest and excitement by relatively slow and simple steps. This is achieved by lateral movement of the hips and opposite them moving, i. E. Buttocks are displaced in the direction opposite to the step ..
Quickstep or funniest dance in standard dances are born as so-called. Fast Foxtrot. Imperial Society of Teachers dance in England, which standardizes t. Pomegranate. Modern techniques of implementation of ballroom dancing at the time noted that Foxtrot becomes slower and it is therefore necessary to create a dance that can run on more high speed, but with characteristic modern style smooth walking motion. As a result, standardize implementation dance called at the beginning "Fast Foxtrot and Charleston" and later renamed as quickstep. He borrows figures then existing standardized modern dance, as modified and adapted them for execution on the swings music tempo of 200 beats per minuta.Kuikstepat is characterized by rhythm "slow, slow, quick, quick, slow". Its characteristic feature is the quick, short steps with varied up and down. Alex Moore says that "the dancer, who perfected the basics of dance quickstep will be CSP-fragment thereof capable to perform a dance that never bored, dance without a doubt the most attractive rhythmic interpretation created today."
Paso Doble
Paso Doble has its roots in the Spanish musical style that creates dances such as machinery and Tango. Derived from the Spanish Bolero and is known as the man bullfighter dance depicting his struggle with the bull of bullfight using his cloak, whose role most often plays the woman. Therefore music, although march is intense and loaded with drama, conforming to the concentration of the bullfighter in the struggle of life and death. Although initially known as the dance of love-veins people later it evolved into two different styles, which gained worldwide popularity. The first and original style axis First and developed in Latin America stimulating the emergence of Rumba, while the latter migrated to France before World War I, where he later transferred to England, becoming popular as a dance demonstrations, competitions, tests and exams. The main feature of the Paso Doble is precision work the steps and elegant telodarzhane characteristic of all Spanish dances and the grip is higher than the standard closed grip, with light contact in the hips.
Samba is a Brazilian dance, which differs from other Latin American dances with its vitality and variety of different rhythms, like the heels of the feet constantly separated from the floor in typical baunsirashti (spring) steps.
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