Rusѝya (Russian: Russia) and Russian Federation (Russian: Rossiyskaya Federation) is a country in Eurasia, occupying the eastern part (38.6%) of Europe and northern (30.7%) of Asia.
It is the largest country in the world. Cover vast areas in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Russia borders with 18 countries - with 16 land (12 in Europe and 4 in Asia) and 2 water (with the US in the Bering Strait and Japan in Yuzhnokurilskiya Strait). The total length of the state borders amounted to 57,946 km. North and east of the border are the Arctic (19,240 km) and the Pacific (12,280 km). It has a coastline on the Caspian Sea (920 km), Azov (672 km), Black (430 km), Baltic (135 km), incl. Gulf (540 km). With 17,098,242 km2 Russia is the largest country in area in the world, covering 1/8 of the territory of the Earth. Used 9 time zones. 143 million. Inhabitants it is the 8th most populous country. There are a number of the most diverse natural environments and reliefs. Has the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources of first place in the world is oil and natural gas. Often described as an energy superpower of the West. Russia has the largest forests in Europe and in the world and its lakes contain approximately one quarter of the world's supply of clean water frost.
Russia's history begins with the rise of the eastern Slavs as the dominant power in Eastern Europe between 3 and 8 century. The year of establishment is considered 862, when the Varangian prince Rurik began to rule over Novgorod land (and his successors master Kievan Rus) giving rise to Ryurikovichite dynasty that ruled Russia for the next 700 years. On the territory of today's Russian Federation Europe existed several large countries, including the important role played Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde, and initiated in the early 15th century Grand Duchy of Moscow unites all the Russian principalities. At the end of the 18th century thanks to large-scale colonization, and conquest accession appears Russian Empire which stretched to three continents - Europe, Asia and North America, and included hundreds of different peoples, cultures and religions.
In 1917 as a result of the February Revolution broke out in the Russian Empire was overthrown monarchy, and after the October Revolution created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - the world's first socialist state, played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II. After the war between the 2 formed superpowers USA and USSR begins struggle for global political and military supremacy, called the Cold War. In 1991, after a severe economic crisis, the Soviet Union collapsed, and its main part - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic secede from the Union and officially became Russian Federation.
The Russian Federation has a mixed presidential-parliamentary form of republican polity, as the president has very wide powers. Currently president Vladimir Putin.
Russia is the sixth in the world in gross domestic product for 2011 ($ 2.383 trillion.), Has a 5-largest armed forces in the world and 3rd in value military budget after the US and China. It is among 10 nuclear power and has the largest nuclear arsenal. Russia is a great power - a permanent member of Saveta UN Security, a member of the G8, G20, Saveta Europe, the Shanghai COOPERATION, the World Trade Organization, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Eurasian Economic Community and a leading member of Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia is among the fastest growing economies in the world. In the 21st century reiterates his claim to be a superpower.
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